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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Bad Acne On Face

Cystic Acne - Pizza Face and Other Names

Sep 05, 2008 • By  • 0 Comments • 1,151 Views
Usually everyone has had acne at sometime of his or her lives usually the adolescence stage. You may have suffered from white head, black head or pustules they all have the same medical term acne. Some kinds of acne have a very harmful affect on the emotional well being of an individual. These are cystic acne and individuals suffering from this kind are also referred to as pizza face as their faces have red spots around the acne. 

Acne is the results of the blocked hair follicles. The hair follicles get blocked with bacteria and sebum in cystic acne. This blockage is deeper than simple acne therefore causes reddish tender skin around the hair follicle. The may have the pus filled. It was commonly believed that acne is caused due to poor hygiene, but this is not the whole truth. There are a number of reasons, which contribute to the outbreak of cystic acne.

Common Causes:

The exact infection, which results in the cystic acne, cannot be determined. This is because each infection may have an origin, which is different from another. Many researchers are of the opinion that cystic acne outbreak may have genetic factors also. The reasons being not many individuals have them but they sure seem to run in a family.

This kind of acne may also result in scarring more so if they are picked or squeezed. Picking or attempting to squeeze it out may also cause the infection to go deep into the skin and increase the intensity of the outbreak. As stated above, hygiene is not a contributing factor in the outbreak of cystic acne, but there is also a general consensus on the fact that food habits and environmental factors do contribute to cystic acne. 

A bad case of cystic acne may be triggered by exposure to some toxins and also due to excessive secretion of some hormone in the body. Another substance, which is known to cause these painful and dirty looking cystic acne, is anabolic steroids. Adequate treatment and keeping away from these harmful substance help in controlling the undesirable cystic acne.


The most important part in the treating of cystic acne is not to pinch or squeeze them out. This will result in worsening of the situation. To help with all that tenderness and throbbing pain, a doctor should be consulted. The doctor will drain the pus with sterilized instrument and prescribe antibiotics for the infection. 

When this method fails, other medication such as Accutane may be prescribed, this medication though helps but should be taken under medical supervision. In some people, regular exfoliation of the skin and face peeling seems to be quite effective. In many others, no particular treatment but a combination of all of the above yields satisfactory result.

About the Author

Jeremy Thompson
Jeremy Thompson
Jeremy Thompson is the author of this interesting article on cystic acne and types of severe acne. 

Bad Acne On Cin

Acne On Chin - How To Get Rid Of It

Nov 22, 2009 • By  • • 272 Views
Acne on chin is a fairly normal condition. Acne can occur to adults or youth and occasionally acne may only grow on the chin area. Acne happens when there are pores that are blocked by oil or dirt which may possibly cause bacteria growth. Inflammation will occur and acne will happens. Acne can be relentless when one is in the puberty period as additional oil will be excreted and this will raise the probability of having your pores blocked.
Acne appears at almost whichever area of our face, There are some people have a tendency to have acne only at the chin area. For you to heal your acne, you will have to discover out what is the cause of acne to appear only on your chin. Some familiar reasons are the usage of masks or the bad practice of touching the chin repeatedly.
If you wear masks, you heighten the chance of skin irritation and it also traps your sweat. This will cause bacteria to multiply and may cause acne. Our hands have dirt, bacteria and germs from the area that we had contact. This means that contact with your chin recurrently with your hands will pass on the dirt and bacteria to your chin area which will cause acne to occur.
Try to steer clear of wearing mask or keep your mask clean. Avert contact with your chin regularly will also help to prevent your acne condition from deterioration. You ought to also remember to have enough rest, include natural food in your diet and drink adequate water so that your immune system can run in its best condition. When you body is healthy, it is able to heal itself more efficiently and also prevent acne from happening. Stick to this good routine and you will absolutely see your acne on chin vanishing gradually.

About the Author

Joseph Cowell
Joseph Cowell
Next, learn more about the step by step guide of fast acne treatment. Joseph had suffered from acne for the last 10 years until he stumbled... 

Bad Acne On Back

What Is Baby Acne on Face?

Apr 23, 2016 • By  • 0 Comments • 11 Views
Do you know baby acne on face? Yes, it is the baby acne which appears on the face of the baby. Talking about baby acne, indeed, it will not be complete when we do not talk about what baby acne is. This condition of baby acne is actually the common problem which is usually faced by the baby. In this condition, there will be acnes that present on the face, neck and back of the baby's skin in which it can appear after few days or more after the birth. If you are a mother and have just had a baby, you do not need worry about this since baby acne actually can be better or cured even without treatment.
Moreover, how the look or the symptoms of baby acne on face? Here is the explanation about this thing. There are some symptoms that you can see when your baby gets this baby acne. To begin with, you will see the red bumps or pimples on your baby's face. Here, the bumps or the pimples can be like the acne on adults in which there is the white part of the acne. Then, surrounding the acnes itself, it will be reddish. You can see all of those symptoms clearly when the baby crying or fussy. In this case, the reddish face skin of the baby will be pronounced clearly. If you are in this situation, you can do some things things toward the baby although the condition of this baby acne can be well without any treatment. 

Yes, even though the baby acne on face can be in a good condition without you do any treatment, you need to do some things in order that the condition of baby acne will not be worse. First, you have to be careful in choosing the fabrics that will be worn by the baby. Why? It because the rough fabrics, indeed, will make the condition of the baby acne get worse since it can cause the irritation on baby's face. In the young age of the baby, the skin is still very sensitive. That is why before choosing the fabrics, you need to know well whether the fabrics will be good or not for the baby.

After that, you also can do the treatment in home for your baby acne on face. You are not allowed to squeezing or pinching the baby acne since it can make the condition of the acne will bad. We never know what the effect of pinching or squeezing, and the irritation will be the most thing you must avoid. Besides, to clean the baby's face, is better for you not to use the towel but the washcloth in which it is smoother than the towel. After that, the use of the face cream can be a bad idea for your baby. As having been known that the baby still has a very sensitive skin, and when you apply it on the baby acne on face and the ingredients of the cream maybe not for the sensitive skin, indeed you will face such a new worse problem.

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i'm happy to shares 

Bad Acne Scars

How to Get Rid of Really Bad Acne Scars – Scar Removal Tips and Techniques

May 07, 2010 • By  • • 229 Views
I had these really bad dark acne scars. They were really dark and I tried potatoes, to get rid of them. It helped with one but it takes a lot of time to work. I heard cocoa butter helps but I did not want to use it just then. I needed something that makes them fade quickly since I had a lot of them.

I got so many crazy scar recommendation tips and methods. Though some of them sound reasonable to me, some were just rubbish. This might sound really....slow and not worth it, but I mean it! One of the best ways I know how to get rid of my dark acne scars is to DRINK LOTS OF WATER & to EAT LOTS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Many people say It worked for them. I was hesitant because I thought it wouldn't work as fast.

Hoverer, I tried it out and couple with the scar removal tips and trick I learned from this great scar removal guide The Scar Solution, I have successfully faded away most of my scars and my skin is getting smooth as the day goes by. The scar solution guide was of great help to me. The recommendations in this guide are the best I had ever seen, though I am not allowed to share them here, I would recommend anyone who has acne scars, or any type of scars, to get a copy of this guide and start leaning how to get rid of his or her scar.

Do you want to use effective methods to quickly fade your scars and have a something skin tone? If yes, then get a copy of The Scar Solution Guide.
Click here: The Scar Solution, to read more about this guide.

About the Author

Frank N. Fru
Frank N. Fru
Best ways and tips to get rid of scars The scar solution. Tricks for getting rid of all your unattractive scars, the scar solution review... 

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